If a warning appears during analysis, indicating that nodes constrained by a diaphragm do not lie in the same plane, it should not be ignored :
Warning: [DIAPHRAGMS] Diaphragm Nodes not in the same Plane. Nodes in different planes are constrained to move together, undesirable effects may accrue…
The warning message is triggered when various inter-connected slab diaphragms are not created in the same plane due to the following situation :
If there is only 1 inclined slab, a single inclined diaphragms can be created and are catered for correctly. It is also possible to have multiple differently inclined slab diaphragms as long as they do not interconnect. However, it is not possible to cater for differently inclined and interconnected diaphragms. In such a situation a single diaphragm constraint is formed that constrains all nodes within it equally & the diaphragm warning message is triggered.
In this example model, 2 horizontal slabs are connected to an inclined slab.
If either the Slabs to Define Rigid Diaphragm or Single Rigid Diaphragm at Each Floor Level option is used, a warning message is displayed during the analysis indicating that the nodes constrained by the diaphragm do not all lie in the same plane.
Complete the analysis and go to Display Analytical Model to further investigate the analytical model. Turn on “Diaphragm” in Element Tab to display the extent of the diaphragm and the nodes constrained by the diaphragm. A single diaphragm for all the horizontal and inclined slabs are created as shown below.
On first viewing the above may not appear unreasonable. The center of diaphragm is where all the grey lines (rigid arm) join - it is located in a diaphragm node above all the slabs, not in the same plane of any of the slabs.
All the horizontal beams and inclined beams are subjected to axial loads even under gravity G load case. In normal practice, we would expect the horizontal beams to experience no axial force as they should be constrained by a horizontal diaphragm; while axial force in the inclined beams are acceptable.
To rectify the situation, you may choose to exclude the slanting slab from the rigid diaphragm by checking the option "Slab Does Not Contribute to Floor Diaphragm" in slab properties (as shown below).
Run analysis and similarly verify the results in Display Analytical Model.
In this case, 2 discrete & separate diaphragm are formed for the horizontal slabs and no axial force exist in the horizontal beams. As expected, there is axial force in the inclined beams as they are not constrained by any diaphragm. Overall, this is a more acceptable result when compared to previous assumption.