ProtaDetails : Retaining Wall Overview

Cantilever Retaining Wall


Cantilever retaining walls can be analyzed, designed and detailed using this macro command. Their reports can be generated and concatenated with the existing ProtaStructure model reports.
ProtaStructure uses Mononobe-Okabe method to design retaining wall instead of Rankine and Coulomb Earth Pressure Theories which do not take seismic effects.

Scope & Limitations 

The following codes are covered in the design:
  1. American Codes (ACI318-14 & ASCE7-16)
  2. Eurocodes (EC2, EC7 & EC8)
  3. Turkish Codes (TS500, TS7994 & TSC-2018)


  1. Go to Design Libraries (Dropdown Menu) > Cantilever Retaining Wall
  2. Alternatively, under Command Line > key in command "Retaining Wall"

Input Parameters

Geometry, soil parameters and analysis options can be selected using this tab control. The whole design process will progress by setting fields and options in the tabs.

Dynamic Model View
A dynamic view of the retaining wall section is displayed in this field. Any change in input will immediately update this image.

Analysis Result and Summary
Summary of overturning safety, sliding safety, total failure and soil bearing capacity checks are displayed both for seismic (EQ) and non-seismic (Non EQ) scenarios. They update automatically along with any change in the input.

Design of Retaining Walls with No Heel Base Plate

The retaining wall design is more challenging when the heel base plate is not used. It is usually preferable to design with the heel for an optimum design. That's because the stability and soil pressure calculations will not be able to make use of the favorable effect of the backfill when the heel base plate is absent.

There may be situations when you need to design a retaining wall with no heel base plate, such as the problematic excavation of the backfill and no practical way to build the base plate.

The retaining wall design algorithm and data input allows the design of retaining walls with no heel.
However, you must note that the stability and foundation soil pressure checks may be harder to satisfy. You may need to take additional precautions, such as designing a more extended toe base plate or a shear key.

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