Defining a New Brace

Working with Brace

Defining a New Brace

In order to define new braces follow the below steps:
  1.  Click on the "Brace" button from "Modelling" ribbon or you can use command line at right bottom corner.                                     
  2. Pick two consecutive columns or beams. 
  3. Brace dialog will be loaded.
  4. Press "OK" button to close the "Brace" dialog.
  5. In order to open Brace properties double left click on Brace members or left click and open Properties. 

    At properties dialog, you can change the brace properties that listed below:

            Section and Type:
  1. At "Profile" section, you can set the section type.
  2. Brace types can be set as Diagonal, X Brace, V Brace, K Brace
  3. In order to determine the out of plane movement of braces, set the "Out of Plane Alignment".
  4. Set the out of plane alignment by using "Custom Offset"
  5. In order to match the physical alignment of braces and center of column, define the "In Plane Alignment".
  6. Use the "Divide" option to divide one of the brace members. This option will help you to model the brace connection, in ProtaSteel. 
  7. As default, brace ends are modeled as pinned. In order to have fixed ends, use "Model Joints as Fixed" option. 

            Top/Bottom Offsets:

  1. You can edit offsets from original insertion points. You can apply these changes into building model by using "Applt Top/Bottom To Analysis" option. 
  2. Offset parameters are shown at left bottom corner. 

            Brace Group:
  1. Insert Brace Group by editing "Count" and "Interval". 

    Count: Insert Brace Group by quantity. Press
    CTRL for multi-selection, selected braces will be reflected as green. 

          Interval: Insert Brace group by interval.

Defining Braces between Truss Members

  1. Click Brace button and select two trusses. Brace dialog will be loaded. 
  2. Braces will be inserted as groups. In order to not insert brace group use "0" as count. 
  1. Press CTRL for multi-selection, selected braces will be reflected as green. 
  2. You can change properties of all selected braces together.  

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