Detailed Design Diagram

Detailed Design Diagram


Member analysis results for  can be viewed in Detail Design Diagram after running the Building Analysis. Forces such as moment, axial loading, torsion, shear and etc. can be reviewed here. 
To access Detail Design Diagram:
  1. click on "Diagrams" in member "Section Design",
  2. Right click on member, then select "Analysis Result Diagrams" ,
  3. or Right click on member (rigid link) in Analytical Model, then select "Show Detailed Diagram".
Building Analysis must be run before checking the Detail Design Diagram.
Any changes made to the model or the setting will results into invalid/outdated design diagram and warning message will appears to warn user.

Detailed Design Diagrams Dialogue

In Detail Design Diagram dialogue, forces with value will be presented in diagram. User may access to the left panel to display forces and any load case, load combination or load envelope in detail.

The setting options in the dialogue explained below:
  1. Beam Axis (Only shows in Beam Design Diagram) : Display current selected Beam/ Beam group. If there are similar beams, this field will shows "Group Envelope". User may select individual beam from the pulldown list. 
  2. Display Detailed Values : Check this option will allows user to obtain exact values when mouse cursor is placed at a particular location along the member at the diagram.
  3. Optimize Stations : Check this option, the number of stations will be reduced & optimized to maintain similar accuracy in presenting the diagram and values. Otherwise, uncheck this option, the diagrams are displayed using default maximum number of stations.
  4. Angle Tolerance : Allows to input when Optimized Stations is checked. This field allows user to change the angle of tolerance for station to generate along the curve of the diagram, default value is 2°. By setting this to lower, the diagram will generate more accurate stations along the curve in the diagram but may be over compact with details. By setting this value to higher value, will reduce the stations but could lead to inaccurate/lack of information if the degree is too large.
  5. Diagram : Check the option to allows the forces information to be shown in the diagram. Forces option as below
    1. Loads, L : Shows external slab loads decomposed & user-defined loads on the member. L-1 = Local Axis 1; L-2 = Local Axis 2; L-3 = Local Axis 3.
      Not able to use when "Envelope Diagram" selected in "Load Case & Combinations".
    2. Axial force, N : Shows axial force in the diagram. Torsion, T : Shows torsion in the diagram.
    3. Shear, V : Shows shear in the diagram. V2 = major shear; V3 = minor shear; 
    4. Moment, M : Shows moment in the diagram. M33 = major moment; M22 = minor moment
    5. Deflection, δ : Shows deflection of the member in the diagram. δ2 = major deflection; δ3 = minor deflection
  6. Deflection Display Type : Options to display different deflection type:
    1. Absolute: The absolute rotation and deflection values are used to display the deflected shape.
    2. Normalized: The absolute shape is normalized with respect to the value calculated at the first point.
    3. Relative: The deflected shape is normalized with respect to both start and end points. This is particularly useful in determining the deflection relative to both ends in serviceability checks.

  1. Load Cases & Load Combinations : Diagram will be based on the selected load cases, load combinations or load envelope. The load combinations list can be filter using the dropdown list at bottom. 
  2. Display Different Analysis Results : An option to display analysis results from “Building Analysis”, “FE Floor Analysis” or “Merged” for column, beam and frame member. In the “Merged” mode vertical load case results are used from “FE Floor Analysis” while the rest of the load case results are collected from the “Building Analysis”. This option can only be enabled when users choose to merge beam/column FE results.
  1. Visualization Panel : Allows user to adjust the font size, diagram display scale by using tools below: 
    1.   = Horizontal Scale. Increase or decrease horizontal scale of diagrams.
    2.   = Default Display Scale. Click to reset to default scale.
    3.  = Increase / decrease font size.
    4.  = Default Font Size.  Click to rest to default font size.
    5. Show Magnified Seismic Design Results.
  1. Report : Generate a report in tabular format with / without diagrams. 
  2. Exit : To close the dialogue.

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