How to Split Continuous Beams

How to Split Continuous Beams

Beams which are created in a single axis will automatically become continuous beam in the beam design. 
A simple example model is created as below : 


However, in some conditions, users may want to split the beams continuity : 
1.  To split the above into separate beams, user need to create new axis at the column face or in the column section (i.e. at the boundary or within the column area). 
2.  Set the end releases of the beam as hinges to make it as simply supported beam, if desired.

After analysis, we can show the actual analytical model & results by going to Analytical Model.  Turn on the the column axial load as shown below. 

There is a slight difference in column axial load due to beam changed to simply supported. The analysis proved that the loads from the beam are transferred to the column. We can conclude the result is reliable.

Now, the beam detail will be presented as a single beam (as shown below by clicking on "Detail Drawings" in the Beam Reinforcement Data menu.

This method only works if beams are supported by column. If the beams are supported by wall, the beams cannot be split.
This is because, in columns section, rigid link is automatically generated if the beam node doesn't coincide with the column node.
Whereas for walls, the program analyze it as a single plane. When the beam node doesn't coincide with the wall plane, the beam will not be connected to & supported by the wall. 
As such, user will need to manually amend the drawings in CAD editor. 

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