Reinforced Concrete Beam Long Term Deflection Check

Reinforced Concrete Beam Long Term Deflection Check

ProtaStructure supports long-term detailed RC beam deflection checks according to the following design code : 
  1. America Code : ACI318-2014, ACI318-2019 
  2. Columbia Code : NSR10-C 
  3. Indian Standards :  IS456-200 
  4. Indonesia Code : SNI2847
  5. Peru Code : NTE060
  6. Philippines Code : NSCP2015
  7. Turkey Code : TS500

In this check, the effective section inertias are calculated considering the provided reinforcement and design moments. Then, support and span cracking status are determined. Deflections are obtained using the effective inertias according to the SLS combinations defined by the user and the serviceability conditions given in the codes.

Long term deflections are also calculated using code-specified time-dependent factors and sustained load durations. Results are given in a detailed tabulated report (example for ACI below) 

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