Available Object Snap Modes:
When the Intersection object snap mode is active, the nearest intersection of entities is snapped. Intersection mode snaps to the intersection of the objects and also the vertices of the polylines.
When the Smart Point along members object snap mode is actived, the beam and wall insertions will snap to the 0.25L, 0.33L, 0.5L, 0.67L and 0.75L of the existing wall and beam members.
When the Perpendicular object snap mode is active, the cursor snaps to a point perpendicular to the picked entity.
When the Start/ End/ Corner object snap mode is active, the nearest Start/ End/ Corner point of the picked entity to the point selected is snapped.
When the Middle/ Center object snap mode is active, the cursor snaps to the middle/ center of the picked entity.
When the stepwise polar mode is active, the object (except wall and beam) can be inserted with the angle step by holding down the CTRL key.
When osnap tracking is active, the extensions to the endpoints of axes is snapped.
When the orthogonal grid object snap mode is active, the cursor snaps to the orthogonal grid in the background.