Structural engineering is the art of using materials to build structures so that our responsibility to the public safety is satisfied. With this sense, Prota Software Product Manager Mustafa Tan and Dr. Cüneyt Tüzün explained the essentials of performance-based design in this special webinar.
📌 Brief History of Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering
Performance-based design is a process that enables the development of structures that will have predictable performance when subjected to defined loading. Performance-based design (PBD) turns the traditional design paradigm upside down in the sense ...
Starting from the definition of seismic resistance, the concept and applications of seismic isolation were introduced in this special webinar. Outline: ? Principles of Seismic Isolation ? Seismic Isolator Types ? Seismically Isolated Building ...
Since 1985, we have been providing industry-leading structural engineering software solutions to professionals across the globe. Based on our knowledge and experience in designing safe structures, we work hard to enhance the seismic capabilities of ...
With its new features for advanced earthquake engineering applications, ProtaStructure now enables you to perform modal vertical earthquake analyses. ProtaStructure reflects the effects of vertical earthquake action to design by following two ...
ProtaStructure can reflect the effects of vertical earthquake action in design by providing two methods: Approximate Static Approach Modal Spectrum Analysis Method In Approximate Static Approach, vertical vibration modes and a dedicated vertical ...