ProtaStructure Common Installation Issue
To ensure ProtaStructure runs optimally and effectively, we highly recommend that you aim for the higher recommended specification.
Common Problem 1 : Installation fails to complete with message "There is an error during the Windows feature configuration process. Your original configuration will be restored"
Please ensure and perform the following :
1. Windows system is up to date. Only Windows 10 & 11 are supported. Windows 7 is not support.
- Refer Microsoft website on how to update your windows : Get the latest Windows update
2. You must install using Administrator account.
3. Stop all 3rd Party AntiVirus program and AntiMalware program
- Some of the more aggressive Antivirus or AntiMalware program will interfere with installation, example Avast, Avira, AVG
- Generally, Microsoft Defender Antivirus is sufficient to protect the device - it is free and comes with Windows.
This issue happens when the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable in the device has not correctly installed, damaged or deleted by AntiVirus program.
Select and download either one that matches your device specification. (e.g. "X64" (64 bit system) is the most common architecture used in Windows device nowadays.)
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