

Various reports can be generated under " Drawings & Reports" tab.

Pre-analysis Checks Report

This report summarizes basic analysis model data such as storey heights, load combinations, materials and section properties.
The member sections properties will only be included if the option to "Print Column, Wall & Beam Section Properties in Post-Analysis Report" is checked (via Building Analysis dialog > Model Options > Settings).
We suggest that this option be unchecked to reduce memory requirement and size of the report.

Post-analysis Checks Report

This report summarizes the post analysis storey drift checks, member effective section stiffness factors, and all seismic analysis results if performed. 

Strong Column Checks

This report summarizes the outcome of strong column checks for RC and steel special moment-resisting frames according to ACI 318, Eurocode 8 or TBDY 2018.
This report will only be available if certain seismic code is chosen (generally where high ductility is required due to high seismic zone).  

Joint Shear Checks

This report summarizes the outcome of Joint Shear Checks. 
This report will only be available if certain seismic code is chosen (generally where high ductility is required due to high seismic zone).  

Analysis Result

User can generate a list of analysis results for nodes or structural members including trusses, purlins, bracing, etc. The steps to generate the report are as shown below:

1) Select Structural Members, nodes or diaphragms

  1. Filter by Storeys Types of Member Types
  2. Highlight members or nodes or diaphragms, then click "" to select the members.
2) Select Modal Elements

  1. Structural Members: The report will show the label of the members.
  2. Frame Elements: The report will show the label of the frame members as shown in the analytical model.
3) Select Load Combinations or Load Cases.

  1. Load Cases/ Load Combinations: Users can either select analysis result of load cases or load combinations to be printed in the report.
  2. Reactions (N, V2, V3, M22...): Select which directions of forces/bending moments to be printed in the report.
  3. i-Node or j-Node: To view the analysis result of 2 ends of the members.
  4. Output Type: Report can be exported to TXT or CSV format.
4) Create Report
Click "Create Report" button will generate analysis result report in TXT or CSV format. 

Base Reaction

This report allows generation of base reactions of model elements. 

Report can be generated with output in CSV or Text format. 

Analysis Model Echo Report

This report contains that analysis model data (solver input file).  It contains information such as joint data and coordinates load and material data etc. 

A more detail report will only be generated if the option to "Create Detailed Analysis Echo File" is checked (via Building Analysis dialog > Model Options > Settings).
We suggest that this options be unchecked to reduce memory requirement and size of the report.

Eigenvalue Results

If an Eigenvalue Analysis has been performed, an extra button appears on the Reports tab.
The “Eigenvalue Results Report”  provides numerical output from the Eigenvalue analysis consisting of frequencies and mass participations.
This report will also be created if earthquake analysis has been performing (by generating seismic load cases & combination). The report will show all the earthquake analysis results such as :
  1. Modal participation factors
  2. Dynamic Forces
  3. Spectrum modal amplitudes
  4. Base Forces due to seismic load cases

Storey Displacement 

Storey Displacement report summarizes the displacement of each storey in terms of the center of storey diaphragm, due to each load case. 
Nodes not connect to any storey diaphragm will be listed out separately. 

Slenderness Calculation / Sway Classification Report

This report displays the calculations for determining the slenderness calculation or sway classification of each storey in the structure. The calculations vary depending on the active design code. 
NotesFor more details, kindly refer to Sway Sensitivity & Second-Order Effects

Steel members & RC members Design

RC Beam, RC Column/ Wall, Steel Beam/ Steel Colum Design will be printed in this report. This report is only available when steel column/ beam are designed. 
The program will prompt warning message as shown below if design report are not generated after performing members design. Therefore,  users need to click "Design Report" button in the respective members design tab to generate design report first. 

Strip Footing Design, Pad Base & Pile Cap Design

Design of strip footings, pad footing and pile cap will be included in Strip Footing Design Report. This report is only available when strip footings, pad footings or pile caps are inserted and designed. 

FE Foundation Report

A detailed report that combines all aspects of a raft foundation design, including FE contours, soil pressures, rebar design, punching checks, etc. FE Foundation Analysis must be performed first. 

Formwork Design

This report can only be generated when if Formwork Design (Design tab) is done.  

CFRP Design 

This report can only be generated when if CFRP Design (Design tab) is done.  

Member Loads

Member loads report summarizes all the information of assigned loadings to the members. 
Kindly note that only loaded members are printed in this report, members with no assigned loadings will be excluded. 

Member Property Assignments

Member property assignments report summarizes column/beam/frame end release conditions, support assignments, splice locations, and isolator assignments.

Seismic Isolator Report

This reports shows the seismic isolators design summary reports. The results based on the load cases and load combinations can be included by checking the "Include Load Case Results" and "Include Load Combination Results", respectively.

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