Show/Hide Selected Members

Show/Hide Selected Members

Sometimes, when the model is too crowded, it may not be easy to concentrate on the portion of the structure that you want to work on. A truss or purlin might get between the camera and the object of interest.

To help with this,  users can use “Show/Hide Selected Members” functionality to show/hide certain members:
  1. Select the members you want on the plan or 3D view and right-click.

  2. Use the “Hide Selected” command to hide the selected objects from the view. A “yellow box” at the top of the screen will give you information on the number of hidden members.

  3. Alternatively, if you want to see only the selected members on the view, use the “Show Selected Only” command. Again, a yellow box will notify you of the hidden members.

  4. If you want to see all the members and unhide the hidden ones, use the “Show All” command.

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