ProtaStructure : 3-D View

3-D View & Visual Interrogation

Multiple 3D Views of the model can be concurrently made active by going to "Views" Tab > 3D Physical Model. Alternatively, right click the “Views”  in the structure tree and select the “3D view”. 
A 3-D perspective view of the whole model can be displayed which can be filtered to display only specific storeys, axes, or member types as required. 
Settings are provided to customize the 3-D view, allowing colours, textures and a wide variety of other effects to be applied.
The 3-D view is useful for both checking the structural system and also for the creation of 3-D presentation images.
Any member in the 3-D window can be selected by clicking with the mouse. The selected member will be highlighted in the plan window as well.

3-D Windows
Click “Views" tab and choose one of the smart, tilt vertical or horizontal window arrangement options.
After choosing the options, the drawing area will be subdivided by number of separate windows.
If you open 3-D views before inserting structural members, members can be defined and edited in the 3-D view as well.
This effective and powerful property of ProtaStructure enables you to work in a more efficient and error free manner.

3-D Rebar Model
Click "Views" Tab and select "3D Rebar Model" to create a 3D view with visualization of designed rebars for column, wall and footing only. The model should run through building analysis and design before this.

Analytical Model
Click "Views" Tab and select "Analytical Model" to review the analysis model of the structure and the analysis results, after running building analysis.

3-D View Controls
You can zoom the 3-D view by using “Refresh Display”, “Zoom Window”, “Zoom Previous” , “Zoom Extents” buttons.
Besides, you can spin and zoom the 3-D View by using the mouse buttons. If you rotate mouse wheel forward, you can zoom-in and if you rotate mouse wheel backward you can zoom-out the 3-D view. The wheel will control the window that has the focus.  Right mouse button is assigned to spin functionality. If you press and drag the right mouse button you can spin the 3-D view.

Active Windows Setting and Visual Interrogation

You can make modifications in 3-D Windows using the “Active Windows Setting and Visual Interrogation” under the “Display” tab or "Review" Tab.

Visual Interrogation

"Visual Interrogation" can be used to show various colour coded displays in both plan and 3-D views.
For example, by selecting one of the slab load interrogation types from the drop down menu you can readily keep track of where particular types of load have been applied throughout the building.  
To return to the normal display of the model, simply choose the None from the list of criteria for recoloring.

Visibility Filters

Filters dialog window can be loaded in “Visual Interrogation” dialogue. The filters provide options to control the visibility of all member groups (such as columns, walls, beams, etc) and specific axes for the selected storey(s). The changes made in “Visibility Filters” dialog will be updated immediately in the 3-D view.


In order to select any specific storey(s), click on the related storey label(s) in the “Storeys” pull down list.
Check on “Select All” box will select all the storeys in the structure, whereas, checking “Active Storey Only” box will select only the current storey to be displayed in the 3-D window.

Frame axis

Choosing a specific axis in the “Frame Axis” pull down list will only display the members on that axis.
In order to display the selected member groups on all axes, choose the “Select All” option.

Member Type

You can also control the display of members in the selected storey(s).
Checked member groups in the “Member Type” pull down list will be displayed in the selected storey(s).
To select a member group, check the member group name. Clicking on a checked member group will deselect it.

While in 3D view, you can also directly turn on / of member types by going to Display top ribbon > Layers dropdown (as shown below)

Scene Settings

After pressing the “Scene Settings” tab, the settings dialog window will be loaded accordingly.

Fields in grey means it is deactivated as it not applicable to current 2D plan view.  If 3D view is chosen, these fields will be activated. 

Display Style

“Display Style” allows you to control the appearance of structural members using “Wireframe”, “Shaded”, “Rendered”, “Flat” and “Hidden Line” options.
The desired view will be displayed in the 3-D window immediately after pressing the related option button in the menu.
While in 3D view, shortcut key for changing Display Style is CTRL + D or F11 
"Linear" style has been introduced to show the analytical wireframe of the model; for further details refer : Preview of Analytical Model using Linear view

Camera Projection

Perspective or orthogonal views of the 3-D model can be activated by selecting the “Perspective” or “Orthogonal in the list of camera projection.
Generally, "Orthogonal" will give better performance for large model. 

Compass & Coordinate Axis

By checking the “Compass” option in the dialog window will result in the Cartesian coordinate symbol to be displayed in 3-D window.
The “Coordinate Axis” allows you to switch on/off the coordinate axis symbol in the 3-D View on the orthogonal grid.


The orthogonal grid at the background can be displayed in 3-D window by checking the “Grid” option. The grid step and colors can be configured in the Grid tabs of Display Settings.

Bounding Box

If the “Bounding Box” is checked, a rectangular box with dashed edges will be displayed and the model will be enclosed in the box.

NotesYou can use Member Filter function to control what you want to see in the view.  Refer to this article : Using Filter Selection to Show or Hide members

Show Axis Auto Dimensions  

Turns on / off the auto-dimensions of axes on the plan view. 

Entity Edges & Hiddenline Properties

This setting only applies to 3D view and would be deactivated for 2D view.  Settings control how 3D members are rendered. 

Column Display

After pressing the “Column Display” tab, the column display dialog window will be loaded accordingly.

Display Analysis Results

Display Analysis results allows user to display the nodal loads, temperature loads, axial load, bending moment and shear force in the plan view. You can select which load cases or load combinations to display on the plan.

Display Transfer Columns and Walls on Plan

When this option is checked, you are able to view the transfer columns and walls from above storey in the plan view.

Display Column Section Anchor Marks

When this option is checked, column section anchor marks will be visible in the plan view.

Display Column/Wall Supports in 3D View

To show the column/wall support in 3D View. This option will be enabled when you are in 3D view.

Beam Plan Display

After pressing the “Beam Plan Display” tab, the beam plan display dialog window will be loaded accordingly.

Display Partition Wall Properties

You can display the wall label, wall load value, and wall height on the plan view for walls supported by the beam.

Display Summed User Defined Load Values

To display the summed user defined load values on beam on the plan view.

Display Beam Elevation Marks

To display beam elevation on the plan view.

Display Beam Section Anchor Marks

To display beam section anchor marks on the plan view.

Display Beam Hinge Marks

To display beam hinge mark on the plan view.

Slab Plan Display

After pressing the “Slab Plan Display” tab, the slab plan display dialog window will be loaded accordingly.
In the Slab Plan Display dialog, you can select or deselect options to display slab direction indicators, permanent and live load values, rib beam lengths, and rib beam numbers on the plan view.

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