Axis Properties
"Axis Properties” will be loaded by selecting the "Grid" icon in the "Modelling" ribbon or by choosing the "Properties" option in the shortcut menu (displayed by right-clicking the mouse) after the selection of an existing axis.
A new axis can be defined by specifying the necessary information in the given fields in the form and by specifying the endpoints of the axis line in the drawing area.

The "Axis Properties” form comprises the following fields:
This field defines the unique label that identifies the axis. This label does not characters. However with best practice, label should limited to 6 characters for convenience. Repetitive labels in the same building are not allowed.
A text controller spin button to the right of the label field is used to facilitate the creation of successive label text. For example, if the label in this field is " A ", then the subsequent axis labels will be " B ", " C ", etc.
Visible in Current Storey
This field allows the user to turn on / off visibility of the axes in current storey.
Unchecking this field creates a “Ghost ” axis (Grey Axes) for the selected storey only. The "Ghost" axis can be completely hidden using the “Ghost Axis Layers ” under Display Ribbon > Layer.
Ghost axes when is transferred to ProtaDetails, it will become a normal axes unlike axes with "Hidden Axis" checked.
This field can be used to monitor the actual length of the axis during dragging of the second insertion point or after the insertion of the axis.
This field can be used to monitor the axis angle during dragging of the second insertion point or after the insertion of the axis.
Insertion Method
Axes can be drawing in several method such as "Single Segment Axis Insertion", "Multi-Segment Axis Insertion" and "Curved Axis Insertion".
Single Segment 
allows you to create a straight line axis by clicking on the start and end point of the axis.
- Multi-segment axis
enables you create a single axis with multiple segments of any shape.
(Left click to start create, press "Esc" key to roll-back, right click to end creation.)

- Curve Axis
can be created by specifying the radius.

Hidden Axis
This field can be used to set axes to be "Ghost axes" (Grey Axes) similar to unchecked "Visible in Current Storey".
The only difference is when axes with "Hidden Axis" option checked, the properties of "Ghost" axes will be bring forward to ProtaDetails, i.e. it will be drawn as light grey.
Direction Code
Axes direction, “Dir” are labelled as "1" and "2". Dir “1” simply defined as axes to be created parallel or closer to direction of global x-axis (Horizontally), while Dir "2" is parallel or closer to direction of global y-axis (vertically). All members are inserted on axis intersections.
Axis Balloons Plot Control
Occasionally, one of the axis balloons may not be visible. You can use this button to change the visibility of one of the balloons.
Extension Length
Axes created will extended longer at both end based on user defined length. This enhances the visibility and workability of axes balloons to prevent from visually crowded.
Update Button
Whenever you make new specifications in one of the fields in “ Axis Properties ” form for an existing axis member, press the “ Update ” button in order to display the changes in the plan window.
Pressing the “ Close ” button will close the “ Axis Properties ” form and return back to “ Select Mode ”.
Defining a New Axis
Use the following steps to create a new axis:
- Click the "Grid" icon in the "Modelling" ribbon to load “Axis Properties”.
- Modify the data in the fields of the “Properties” form.
- For example, define the "Axis Label" or "Insertion Method".
- "Direction code" is no longer required to modify manually, it detects the direction automatically when the axis is drew.
- Click the left mouse button in the first point, then left-click on second point and release the button. The new axis will appear.
- " Length " and " Angle " can be used to control the direction and length of the dragged grid during insertion.
- In order to activate these options and to constrain cursor movement to the horizontal or vertical directions (or relative to the angle defined) hold down the Ctrl key while dragging to the second point and release the key after left mouse button.
- You can also generate parallel axes from an existing axis.
- To do this, first select an existing axis and right-click the mouse to open the shortcut menu.
- Then choose " Offset Axis " option to activate the related form for the generation.
- If the " Axis Properties " form is active during the selection of an axis, you can activate the form for generation also by choosing the " Offset Axis " in the " Modify " toolbar.
- When the related form appears on the screen, enter values in the " Offset from Previous " field to specify the offset distance from the existing axis.
- The new axis will be placed at the given offset from the previous axis on the side picked.
- To define another label, modify the " Axis " field before clicking the offset side.

Always refer to the bottom status bar as it will reveal important information on the next step of the function clicked or used.
Single Segment Axis example :
When creating axis, left click to select start point. A “rubberband” will appear as you move your mouse cursor to specify the end point :
- During the rubberband operation, the length (L) and local angle will displayed. In addition, the relative distance ∆x & ∆y with respect to the local UCS will also be shown.
- Press F2 to enable input of the length (L) of axis via Dynamic Input System (DIS)
- Press TAB to cycle to the next input of angle

- If a value is entered in the textbox, the related parameter will be locked. You can unlock by pressing ESC or pressing the lock icon at the right of the text box.
- In either of the text boxes, you can use shortcut notation Length<Angle or DeltaX, DeltaY (without the need to switch by TAB.)

All above hotkey (F2, ESC, TAB) works for all three insertion method (Single-Segment, Multi-Segment and Curve Axis.)
Defining a Curved Axis
The method for defining Curved Axes is as follows:
- Press the “Grid” icon located in the "Modelling" ribbon to load the “Axis Properties” form. Enter the Axis Label in the “Label” field.
- Choosing the “Curve Axis Insertion” from the insertion method, left-click to define the start point and left-click to define end point :
- First and second points defined in this way will be the “I” and “J” points of the axis respectively.
- Move the mouse cursor to define offset of the curve and click to confirm it.
- Alternatively, press “F2” to define the chord offset of the axis. Note that you can use negative values in the dialog.
- After editing the fields in this dialog, press the “ENTER” button to complete the definition of the curved axis.
- The axis will be drawn on the screen accordingly.
Orthogonal Axis Generator

The “Axis Generator” form can be used to create a group of axes in both direction codes. To access this form, choose the “Orthogonal Axis Generator” icon in the “Modelling” ribbon. Then, pick a point in the plan window as the lower-left reference point for the generation. After picking the reference point “Axis Generator” dialog box will appear on the screen. You should specify the necessary values for the generation in the fields described below;

Grid Insertion
Includes the “Reference Point” and “Insertion Angle” fields. X and Y coordinates of the previously picked reference point is automatically given in the Reference Point fields. These values may be changed to specify a new reference point.
Insertion angle is the rotation angle of the axes to be generated in both directions (“1” and “2”) in anti-clockwise direction relative to their default directions.
Direction-1 Axes / Direction-2 Axes
Comprises the “Axis Label”, “Step”, “Axis Spacing(s)” and “Axis Extension Length” fields to be filled for the dir-1/dir-2 axes to be generated.
Function | Description |
Axis Label
| Label of the first axis in this direction.
Dir-1 or horizontal axes label will start from bottom to top.
Dir-2 or vertical axes label will start from left to right.
Axis Spacing(s) | Spacing between each axes at the same direction. You can delimit with comma character in unequal spacings used. Repeating spacings may be entered using " * " as multiplier, provided that spacing to be written before number of spans. (Ie. 5000, 2000*3, 4000)
| Axis label increment to be used for generating the successive labels.
Axis Extension Length
| Distance that axes to be extended beyond the intersections.

If a reversed axis label is desired, then enter “Step” = -1.
For example, for Dir-1 / horizontal Axes, if you want Axis A to start from the top instead of bottom, enter “Axis Label” = D (last label) and “Step” = -1
You can access the most-often used command options for the axis members after selecting an axis (or a group of axes) via:
- "Axis Option" Ribbon tab

- Shortcut menu (displayed by right-clicking the mouse)

Selection comprises “ Offset ”, “ Move ”, “ Stretch ”, “ Rotate ”, “List Members Using The Axis ”, “ Link Intersecting Axes ”, etc, options specific to an axis member.
“Delete”, “Mirror Elements” and “Properties” options are default options in shortcut menus for all member types (e.g. beam, column, etc)
Some functions works with multiple axes selected while others only work when single axis is selected.
- "Move" & "Stretch Axis" function works with multiple axes selected
- “Rotate Axis ”, "Offset Axis". "Edit Axis End Point" only works with single axis selected
Creating Parallel Axes by Offsetting
“Axis Offset” form can be accessed by clicking the “Offset Axis” option in the shortcut menu or Axis Option tab after selecting the reference axis.
To define a new axis parallel to the selected axis, press “F2” to enter the offset distance in the the field and press “ENTER” to accept and insert the axis.
Moving an Axis
- Select one or more axis.
- Select / Click "Move Axis" in the axis shortcut menu / Axis Option tab.
- Move the mouse cursor & preview of axis will be shown
- Press “F2” to manually input value :
- Input the parallel distance to be moved
- Alternatively, input [delta x] , [delta y] values
- Press "Enter" & axis will be moved

When an axis is moved, the members that uses this axis as insertion will also be moved automatically according to new axis position.
However, if moving an axis causes member insertion to be invalid, then the axis cannot be moved. In this case, all members that uses this axis must be deleted first before it can be moved.
All members can be forced moved to their supposed positions by using “Move Members To Axes” option located on the “Review” ribbon.
Stretching an Axis
End-points of the axis can be stretched (elongated or shortened) by choosing the "Stretch Axis" option in the axis shortcut menu or the Axis Option tab.
To stretch an end-point of an axis:
- Select an axis or a parallel array of axes. Select the "Stretch Axis" option in the axis shortcut menu or in the ribbon tab.
- Left click on any point near to the end that wish to stretch and a ruler showing distance will appears as you move your cursor away from the first point.
- Move mouse cursor & left click again to complete the stretching. Alternatively, use "F2" to key in the distance value and press "Enter".
- The direction of axis line(s) will not be altered by the stretch function. The selected axis line(s) will be stretched by the absolute length of the dragging line in XY plane.
You can use the object-snap modes to position the new point precisely.

While stretching multiple axes, in order to prevent unexpected stretching effects, try to avoid selecting axes with varying directions. The selected axes should be parallel or must have nearly the same direction angles. Elongation or shortening effects will be achieved automatically based on the end point clicked.
Edit Axis End Point
You can use "Edit Axis End Point" option in short-cut menu or the Axis Option tab after selecting one axis to change the end point of axis.
This option will change the end point of the axis and position of the members using that axis.
- Select a axis. Click "Edit Axis End Point" option.
- Define the new axis end point by picking one point.
- The closer end point of the selected axis will be changed to the point you picked.
Stretch Axis to Member Insertions
You can use the "Stretch Axis to Member Intersections" form to stretch selected or all axes automatically considering the inserted members and their intersections.
- Select one or more axes and select “Stretch Axis to Member Insertions” option. In this case, the function will be applied to selected axes (or multiple axes) in the model.
- The “Stretch Axes to Member Insertions” dialog will be loaded.
- The axes will be stretched automatically based on the settings when the “OK” button is pressed.
The available options in this dialog:
- Consider Axis Intersections As Well
If you have an orthogonal axis grid, you can check this option if you like to consider not only the member insertion points but the axis intersections as well.
- Shrink Only
If you check this option, axes will only be shortened during this operation.
- Axis Extension Length
The axes will be extended further away from the outer member insertion (or axis intersection, if “Consider Axis Intersections As Well” is checked) by the amount entered in this field.
- Apply to Selected or All Axes
By default, the function will only be applied to selected axes if initiated by the shortcut menu. If you check the “Apply to All Axes” option, the operation will be applied to all the axes in the model.
Stretch Axis to a Boundary
You can use “Stretch Axis to a Boundary” option after selecting one or more axes to align one end to a boundary.
This option will stretch or shorten the closer ends of the selected axis to the defined boundary.
- Select one or more axes. Click “Stretch Axis to a Boundary” option.
- Define the boundary by picking two points to stretch the Selected Axes.
- The closer ends of the selected axes will be extended or shortened to meet the boundary.
- The process will be aborted if you fail to define a proper boundary.
Rotating an Axis
To rotate the axis :
- Select one axis only (option does not work with multiple axes)
- Click “Rotate Axis” option.
- Click the rotation base point in the drawing area.
- Rotation base point can be picked by using one of the object-snap modes.
- For example, if you want to pick the intersection of two axes as rotation base point, press the "Intersection" button in the Osnap Form, position the square on the cursor close to the desired intersection and click the left mouse button.
- By pressing “F2” you can enter the new axis angle (measured counter-clockwise from the horizontal) to the "Angle" field > Press “Enter”
- Press "Enter" again & the axis will be rotated.
Create Frame View
You can use "Create Frame View" option in short-cut menu using the right mouse button after select one axis.
This option will create a 3D view showing only the members using that axis.
Axis Table
You can use "Member Tables > Axis Table" in right-click shortcut menu or right-click at the "Axis" found in the "Structure Tree" to modify one or more existing axes.
All cells in the table are editable. You can use the cursor keys or mouse cursor to select a cell and edit and update the contents.
The "Search" button can be used to find a specific member after typing the label to the "Member" field.
Changing Visibility for Multiple Grids
In axis table, the "Visibility Code" allows user to set the visibility of multiple axes in a particular storey (as shown below).
Guidelines when creating grids / axes
Every element which is created in ProtaStructure is attached to grids / axes as elements can only be inserted at the intersection of axes which creates a joint.
The importance of a simple clear grid system is essential to producing a manageable and accurate model.
The more complicated the axis system the more likely errors are to occur, the golden rule is 'Keep It Simple'.
Make reference to the following guidelines when creating grids :
- Try to avoid axis that are very close together
Since member insertion is based on axes intersection, having too many axis that are too close together may result in picking the wrong intersection of axes when creating members. - Use as few axes as possible
For the same reason above, model only the necessary axes. Note it is the structural behavior that is important, hence small architectural offsets discrepancies will have negligible difference. For example it would be unreasonable to model 2 parallel axes with only 30mm between them - where a single axis would suffice.
- Keep axis short and localized to the place where it is used
For the same reason above, this is to avoid too many axes intersection. Note that you automatically shorten axes by selecting axes > Right-click > "Stretch Axis to Member Insertion. - Set Axes to Ghost to clear the clutter in the view
You can set an axis a ghost by unchecking "Visible in Current Storey" in the Axis Property. Once set, these axes will be shown as light grey, which can be completely turned of by deactivating "Ghost Axes" in Layers tab (Display Ribbon).
- Perform 'Building Model Check' progressively
Building Model Check will check for commons errors for axes. For more information of building model check can refer to this article: Building Model Check