The “Frame Member” option enables users to model steel beams, composite beams, girts, purlins, braces and frame groups (to model multiple frames). This allows users flexibility to model steel structures anywhere in the model.
Frame member sections can be rotated in any orientation, and local offsets can be assigned without compromising the analytical model. Users can assign end releases in the direction of any degrees of freedom.
Define a New frame
- Click on the "Frame" button from "Modeling" ribbon, select "Insert Using Two Points".
- Click on any two insertion points (Best to be done in 3D to ensure correct insertion points have been selected.)
Insert Multiple Frames Between Members
- Go to Modelling Tab > Frame Members > Frame, select "Insert Multiple Between Selected Members"
- Pick two members on screen. The primary members can be two beams, two frames, two columns or their combination.
A frame insertion wizard will pop-up which allow you set parameters such as section, alignment, layout option, offsets, cantilever lengths, etc.
Depending on the orientation of the primary members and section alignment options, program will automatically adjust the "Physical Offset" and place the frames accordingly. The generated frame members are individual frames that can be edited individually later.
Frame Properties
Frame Properties" will be loaded when the "
Frame" option in the "Modelling" ribbon is selected or select a frame member, right-click > Properties option in shortcut menu.
The “
Frame Properties” form comprises two pages named as “Gen” , “3D”, and "Castellated".
Gen tab
- Label : The frame member label. The label is limited to 11 characters. Repeating member label is not permitted.
Type : To assign frame types to the frame : “Beam”, "Primary Composite Beam", "Secondary Composite Beam" , “ Vertical Brace”, “ Horizontal Brace”, “ Purlin”, and “ Girt”.
Bracing type should correctly assigned in order correct connection can be created in ProtaSteel.
- Storey (I-J) : To indicate the location (i.e. storey) of the frame member end (i.e. i & j). The storey level will be determined when creating the frame.
- Section : To change the steel profile, size and orientation. Section Properties can be assessed here.
- Section Ref. Anchor : To Anchor a point on steel section. When the section size changed, the member will be automatically resized with reference to the anchor point.
- Angle : To input angle of rotation for the steel profile. Alternatively, quick align by picking "Set Section Angle to Selected Member" icon
then click on another member that you wish to align to.
- Insertion Method : To create the frame member either straight or curve.
- Plane Normal Angle : To curve the member vertically (i.e. 90*) or horizontally (i.e. 0* by default) or curve based on the angle input.
- Apex Distance : The distance between the curved frame member to the member.
- Frame End Condition : Check the box to release the internal forces of frame members. Alternatively, set the frame ends condition by clicking at the frame icon
If beam members are connected to existing building, a support type can be assigned to beam ends.
The support can be visually seen from the 3D view.
Beam ends that assigned with support type shouldn't connected to any member.
Analytical Offset
Enter value in this field to adjust the analytical frame member end point.
During modelling, program has automatically connected frame members when you snap the start & end points of the respective supporting members. Hence it is not necessary to adjust the analytical end points of frame unless there is special purpose.
You are also allowed to set the Analytical Wire-Frame reference point for frame member. As an example, brace member usually will have Analytical Wire-Frame reference point at the center of section.
Physical Offset
Enter value in this field will allow you offset section physically out of plane/in-plane which won’t affect the analytical wireframe.
You can access the most often used command options for the frame members in the shortcut menu (displayed by right-click the mouse).
Frame Sections Manager
Beam section properties and materials can be defined in Edit Section/ Material which is accessible under the Beam Options tab after selecting a beam. Alternatively, you can select a beam and right-click anywhere on the page to prompt out the options dialog.
After selecting the Edit Section/ Material, the Frame Member Steel (when steel beam is chosen) dialog window will be loaded.
The dialog window comprised of “General” tab, “Properties” tab and “Material” selection.
• The section name and display colour of the beam can be changed in “General” tab.
• The moment of inertia, section area and shear areas can be reviewed in the “Properties” tab.
• The grade of concrete and steel can be evaluated in the “Material” tab.
Steel Frames (Beams)
In the case of steel, a variety of sections are available in the database of the section manager. The program also enables users to customise their own sections with the Built Up Steel option in the event where desired steel sections are not available in the database.
To customise built-up steel sections, the steps are as follows:
1. Under the Database tab, select the Built Up Steel option.
2. Select the section geometry of your choice and users can input their desired parameters within the table under the General tab.
3. Once the desired parameters are selected, click OK to close the Section Manager and the click Update in the Steel Beam properties box.
Composite Slab
Primary Composite Frames can be used to define the primary steel girders usually inserted between columns, and usually support secondary composite frames. The profiled metal deck is usually parallel to primary composite frames.
Secondary Composite Frames are usually simply supported beams supporting the composite slab. The profiled metal deck is perpendicular to the secondary frames.
Split Frame Member
Split existing member into two by select a frame member, followed by right-click, select “ Split Frame Member” then click an intersection point.
Merge Frame Members
Merge existing two frame members into one member by select two frame members, followed by right-click, select “ Merge Frame Members”.
Define Splice
You can create Splice for frame members.
- Select a frame member and right-click select “Define Splice”.
- Click “Add New Splice” and input the value base on your preference.
To edit existing splice on frame member:
- Select a frame member which already has a splice created and right-click, select “Define Splice”.
- Select the splice you wish to edit and click “Edit Selected Splice”.
- Edit the splice and click OK.
To delete existing splice on frame member:
- Select a frame member which already has a splice created and right-click select “Define Splice”.
- Select the splice you wish to delete and click “Delete Selected Splice”
Convert Frame Members to Custom Truss
You can also create truss using frame members. The purpose is for ease of editing as truss members can amended in a group by using the Truss Editor.
To convert truss created using frame members, multiple select frame members and right-click > "Convert to Custom Truss" to open Truss Editor. In Truss Editor, select/multiple select members and right-click to assign member type (e.g. Top Chord, Bottom Chord, etc.)
Copy and Move Members
- Select a frame member or multiple frame members.
- Right-click and select Copy or Move command.
- Pick the reference point on screen and pick the destination point which the member(s) will be copied or moved. A preview of the member will be shown in real-time on the screen.