Finite Elements Floor Analysis

Finite Elements Floor Analysis

With FE Floor Analysis, you can analyse and design floors under vertical loads only independently from the global 3D building analysis.

In this approach, the floor is isolated from the building and only gravity and imposed loads are applied. This allows engineers to simulate design scenarios where vertical loads govern.

When conduct a “ FE Chase-down” analysis, where it analyse the floors (under vertical loads only) from top to bottom, iteratively applying the calculated column reactions onto the floor below. This methodology is preferred by some engineers, who would like to eliminate the 3D side effects of a global 3D FE Analysis such as the 3D frame effects and differential settlements due to relative axial rigidities. This method simulates the good old 2D hand calculation methods in a 3D environment.

Perform Finite Elements Floor Analysis

  1. Select one or more than one floor and click "Floor Mesh and Analysis" to run FE Floor Analysis. All selected floors will be meshed and analysed at once. Click “Select/Deselect All” to select all storeys or de-select all storeys.
  2. Beam, Slab, Column and Wall stiffness factors can be set automatically to make an allowance for cracking and creep. An automated calculation is provided for this purpose: see Cracking & Creep
  3. "Include Column Sections in FE Model" setting controls the inclusion of column and wall outlines in the finite element analytical model.
    1. A single node will be used for modelling the columns if this option is not checked. This option is very useful for reducing the support moments at column and wall nodes by considering the section of the column.
    2. If you check this option, rigid links are provided to create a rigid column outline to reduce stress concentrations and spikes occurring around columns and walls.
    3. This modelling option is created specifically for flat slab structures. Models may not be created successfully for beam/slab systems
  4. If option "Display Analytical Before Analysis" is checked, this will allow you to examine/check the meshing generated in your layout before analysis. 
  5. When the sparse solver option is checked, it will reduce the time required for analysis. For certain model types a dramatic reduction in the analysis time can be achieved, for other models it may be less significant.
  6. "Include Upper Storey Column Loads" option should be checked when chase-down analysis is required. A symbol “▼” will be displayed next to storeys when chase-down analysis is done successfully.
  7. ALL storeys must be selected and this option must be checked in order to perform chase-down analysis. This will ensure the result can merged correctly in later stage. For more details about merging result of beam/column, please refer to What is Merge FE Column/Beam result with Example
  8. The minimum & maximum mesh size can be adjusted. Click "Floor Mesh and Analysis" to mesh the floor and perform analysis.
  9. The key objective is to choose an ideal balance of Plate Element Size to produce minimum number of plates but still sufficient to an accurately replicate the "true" behavior of the slab (so analysis time is minimized). Generally, try to achieve 6 to 8 plates between the column heads. 

Post Analysis Processes and Report

  1. Storey will be highlighted as green colour when FE Floor Analysis is completed. If “FE Chase-down” is performed, “▼” will be displayed next to the storey. Otherwise, it will be greyed.
  2. After FE Floor Analysis is done, clicking "Display Analytical Model" will open "FE Storey and Foundation Model"  to view the visualized result for selected storey. See: FE Storey and Foundation Model
  3. Other than the visualized result, FE Floor Analysis result can be viewed and generated in text form after completion of the analysis without any errors.  The analysis result reports can be prepared for selected nodes, slabs, and/or frame members. In all tab pages, you select items to be included using the visible lists and then press the “Create Report” button to generate the report
  4. To examine the minimum and maximum of displacement, click “List Maximum Storey Displacement”.
  5. After FE Chase-down is done, you will be able to merge the result with Building Analysis result.
  6. After merged the result and close & reopen the dialog, "Axial Load Comparison Report" will provides a means of verifying the total dead load and live load applied to the building. It also can be used to cross-check:
    1. slab loads have been correctly decomposed onto the supporting members. 
    2. gravity load applied matches the Building Analysis total vertical reaction. 
    3. gravity load applied matches the FE Chase-down total vertical reaction.
  7. For FE Floor Analysis models, it should be noted that they don't include for the effects of pattern loading. It is not feasible to automate pattern loading to generate every possible worst case scenario for every conceivable irregular arrangement. If it is a concern in your design, it is suggested that amplifying the "Positive Moment Factor" (10 to 20%, i.e. 1.1 to 1.2) to allow for these effects. Output results that viewed in FE Storey and Foundation Models is factored using the values entered in these fields. 
  8. These factors should be defined before clicking "Display Analytical Model" in dialog. 

FE Storey and Foundation Model 

FE Floor Analysis result can check and view in a single interface with Building Analysis. It can be access by go to Analysis tab > Analytical Model > FE Storey and Foundation Models.

Although FE Floor Analysis result is sharing the same interface with Building Analysis, there are still few differences can be found between these two analyses post-processing mode

  1. Storeys list acts as "Storey Selector" which allows you switch the result of floors by click the relevant storey on the list. A right arrows ">>>" symbol indicates the current selected floor. A check sign ""means a valid FE Analysis exists for that floor while a cross sign "X" means that an  FE Analysis has been performed but it is not valid anymore. If an FE Analysis has not been performed for a specific floor, it will still be listed however it won't accessible. 
  2. FE Floor Analysis is performing sub-frame analysis under vertical load cases/combinations only, hence only vertical load cases/combinations will be listed in FE Floor Analysis Post-processing model. Results will be displayed for selected load case or combination.
  3. "Effect" panel will appear when "Contour" is toggled on in Contour tab. 

Effects Panel

Annotation of each effect is stated as below. 
  1. Displacement: Displacement of the nodes along direction. 
  2. F11: Horizontal Axial Force per unit length
  3. F22: Vertical Axial Force per unit length
  4. F12: Shear Force per unit length
  5. Mxx: Moment about Direction-1 (Global)
  6. Myy: Moment about Direction-2 (Global)
  7. Mxy: Twisting Moment 
  8. M11: Moment about Direction-1 per unit length** (Local)
  9. M22: Moment about Direction-2 per unit length** (Local)
  10. M12: Twisting Moment per unit length
  11. M11-bot: Design Moment about Direction-2 at bottom (allows Wood-Armer Adjustment)
  12. M22-bot: Design Moment about the Direction-1 at bottom (allows Wood-Armer Adjustment)
  13. M11-top: Design Moment about Direction-2 at top (allows Wood-Armer Adjustment)
  14. M22-top:  Design Moment about the Direction-1 at top (allows Wood-Armer Adjustment)
  15. As(d)1-bot (local): Required steel area in the bottom face of the slab in Direction-1
  16. As(d)2-bot (local): Required steel area in the bottom face of the slab in Direction-2
  17. As(d)1-top (local): Required steel area in the top face of the slab in Direction-1
  18. As(d)2-top (local): Required steel area in the top face of the slab in Direction-2
  19. As(d)1-bot (Wood-Armer): Required steel area in the bottom face of the slab in Direction-1 (Wood-Armer Effects included) 
  20. As(d)2-bot (Wood-Armer): Required steel area in the bottom face of the slab in Direction-2 (Wood-Armer Effects included) 
  21. As(d)1-top (Wood-Armer): Required steel area in the top face of the slab in Direction-1 (Wood-Armer Effects included) 
  22. As(d)2-top (Wood-Armer): Required steel area in the top face of the slab in Direction-2 (Wood-Armer Effects included) 
  23. Soil Pressure: The soil pressure applied on the node
  24. Soil Pr. Threshold: The threshold plot of the soil pressure against the allowable soil stress value. 
**In the Graphic Editor, you can define angle properties for slabs using the “Angle” field in “Slab Properties” menu. M1, M2 and M12 are then calculated with respect to these angles in Finite Element Post Processor. Especially for the buildings that may have angled plans, reinforcements are needed to be installed along a specified angle rather than global X and Y. In order to see the moment and steel contours for different angles, you must have specified angle values for related slabs in the Graphic Editor.

When the mouse pointer is hovered above the nodes or mesh, necessary information about that node/mesh will be displayed based on " Effects" and " Loading" options selected. 


ProtaStructure provides useful tool for creating automatic and user-defined contours. These automatic and user defined contour can be selected from the "Contours" tab and will be displayed for the selected loading. 


When " Contours" button is toggled on, the displacement, required steel area or moment contours for the plate elements will be plotted based on the " Effects" and " Loading" options selected. 

If "Line Contours"  is toggled on individually, the contour line color will be shown in Black color. If it is toggled on together with " Colored Lines" , the contour lines colors will follow the contour colors itself. 

The “ Quantity” field in the “ Display” panel indicates the number of intervals that the calculated maximum and minimum values of the selected effect will be displayed in contour view.  Larger values yield a smoother contour display.

User Defined Contour

In addition to the automatic contour, user-defined (custom) contour can be created.  When " User Defined Contour " is toggled on, plate elements will be plotted based on the " Effects " and " Loading " options selected. 

To configure user-defined contours, click the "Edit User Definitions" button. The number of contours, contour intervals, color of contours and labels can be controlled from the dialog that is displayed. 

Maximum and minimum values of the effect specified in the “ Effects” list are calculated automatically. The range is divided into the number of intervals specified in “ Contour Count” field. These intervals are by default is not labelled however it can be modified as required. 

  1. The "Effect" and "Loading" that selected for user defined contour. 
  2. Click the "Update" button to update the intervals value according to contour count. 
  3. Contour interval values will automatic generated by program based on the result and contour count. 
  4. Contour Legend format that going to use in user defined contour. 
  5. Input or/and select the options and click "Update" to update the interval value & label of contours. 
  6. Click "Redraw" to regenerate/update the user defined contour. 

Threshold Contours

Threshold Contour is used to check whether the calculated values of an " Effect" exceeds a threshold value. When "Threshold Contour" is toggled on, plate elements will be plotted for the upper and lower threshold value based on the " Effect" and " Loading" options selected. 

To configure threshold contours, select " Threshold Contour" and click " Edit User Definitions".
Maximum and minimum values of the effect specified in the "Effect" list are calculated automatically and written into "max(+)"  and "min(-)" fields. Any value between maximum and minimum values can be written into lower and upper limits. The interval between lower and upper threshold will be painted with green whereas areas below threshold and above upper threshold are painted with red. In other words, threshold contours can be said to be a specialized subset of user defined contour. The only difference is that is limited only to two contour values. 


When Legend button is toggled on, a legend will be displayed at the screen. “ Index Count” can be adjusted to shows the interval value based on the contours. Position and size of the legend can easily be controlled by “ Position” and “ Size” fields in legend panel.

Slab Strip Diagram

If there is FE Slab Strip created, slab strip result diagram can be viewed for both Building Analysis and FE Floor Analysis Results if both types of analysis have been performed. Slab Strip Profiles can be displayed like beam, column, and frame member result diagrams. 

To review  the slab strip diagram in plan view:
  1. If Building Analysis is adopted in model, ensure that floors are meshed in Building Analysis. 
  2. After analysis is done, select FE Slab strip on the model. 
  3. Right-click and select "Strip Profile"
  4. Alternatively, slab strip diagram also can be generated through the same menu button on the slab strip contextual ribbon tab tat appears when the slab strip is selected.  

To review slab strip diagram in Analytical Model:
  1. Open Analytical Model for FE Floor Analysis or Building Analysis
  2. Go to Result tab, select slab strip you want to review from the Slab Strip List. This will display the moment diagrams of selected strip on the analytical view
  3. To view the detailed profile, select a slab strip on the analytical model, right-click > select "Slab Strip Diagram Profile"

Program provides 3 different result collection methods namely Maximum, Integral, and Strip Line




Maximum values of the transverse nodes at each station are used in strip result calculation.


Calculates the integral of transverse node results yielding more economical and smoothened values.

Note: This method only available for “Fixed Band” strips.

Strip Line

This method is solely for checking purposes and doesn’t account for transverse nodes displaying the values exactly at the station nodes.

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