ProtaStructure : Building Analysis Overview

Building Analysis Overview

Having modeled your structure and defined the parameters/loading to be applied, you are now ready to generate the member design forces. These are determined by performing a 3D analysis of the whole building.

The pre and post analysis stages, along with the various applicable analysis options are fully described in the following sections:
  1. Model Options
  2. Building Analysis
  3. Rigid Zone Interpretations
  4. Diaphragm Modelling Example
  5. Difference between Building Analysis and FE Floor Analysis
  6. What is Merge FE Column / Beam results with Example 
  7. Analytical Model
  8. Detailed Design Diagram
  9. Reports 
  10. Building Model Check
  11. Overview of Axial Load Comparison Report (Detail Example)
  12. How to check singularity or large deformation warnings during Building Analysis
  13. Analysis Warning: Diaphragm Nodes not in the same Plane
  14. Sway Sensitivity & Second-Order Effects
  15. Staged Construction Analysis
  16. Formwork Design
  17. Rigid Links Automatically Created inside Columns to Support offset Beams
  18. Rigid Link Created in Column when Beam Depth is More or Equal to the Storey Height

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